Man to guy trying to avoid him: Because, you see — all Republicans are Nazis. I don’t know why no one else can tell.
–67th & Broadway
Overheard by: kendra
Thug to another: Damn, nigga! That’s why the Democrats ain’t going to win the motherfuckin’ White House in 2008!
–Union Square
Overheard by: guy who’s not sure if it’s racist or not
Righteous girl: I am glad I slept with him before I found out he was a Republican.
–6 train, Uptown
Overheard by: Susan
Rollerblading twelve-year-old to friend: Sean Hannity is such a douche!
–44th and 8th
Anti-Bush crazy at anti-war stand on the street: There’s an idiot in the White House! There’s an idiot in the White House! …. Actually, he’s a monkey — we got the DNA results back!
–Outside of the Met
Man on cell: Well, they killed 3,000 people! …Nooo, not the Arabs, the Conservatives — the New York Conservatives!
–181 St & Ft. Washington, Starbucks
Overheard by: One of the teachers
Hobo: I hope I never run for office, because you people aren’t the first group I’ve said fucked-up shit to.
–F Train